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Places to go and things to do when living in Brookland, DC.

Must-Have for Your First Warm-Weather Run

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With the weather getting warmer and warmer every day, you might be starting to take your workout routine outside on a regular basis. Here’s what you need to stay safe and comfortable while you’re exercising outdoors.Lightweight, sweat-wicking layers. Since spring bridges the gap between winter...

The Doors Are Open to Target’s Columbia Heights’s Location

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Twitter’s @lolteresa writes, “bored? go to target. hungry? go to target. depressed? go to target. stressed? go to target.” And truly, Target proves itself to be a one-stop-shop time and again, whatever your mood or shopping needs. From grocery runs to a new swimsuit just in time for beach...

Order Takeout Tonight From Brookland Pint

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Have you ever wanted to help protect the Earth while enjoying a great meal (and a great brew)? At Brookland Pint, you can do just that. According to owner John Andrade, the restaurant was founded with environmental sustainability at its forefront. From what they serve to how they serve it,...